Wordpress Elementor. What’s This?

WordPress Elementor. What’s this?

Have you ever heard of Elementor? It is a page building tool that allows you to create and edit your web pages easily and quickly. Are you a trader, a company, a craftsman or an individual who wishes to set up an online project? Discover the facets of WordPress Elementor.


WordPress Elementor, what is it?

Elementor is a WordPress-owned page builder that comes in the form of a plugin. Thanks to this Drag & Drop tool, designing complex pages on WordPress becomes quick and easy. You can use predefined templates or start from a blank page to complete your project.


Launched in 2016, Elementor was a resounding success quickly after its release. In the space of a few years, this WordPress tool has crushed the competition by establishing itself as the ultimate solution for designing, creating and personalizing web pages.


Elementor, free or paid?

The tool has a free version and a paid or premium version. The free version offers the following features:

  • Access to the Drag & Drop tool for designing, creating and modifying web pages;
  • Access to the various predefined models which serve as a basis;
  • Access to over 50% of the total functionality of Elementor.


The paid version, on the other hand, is rather reserved for advanced users who will use more advanced features such as:

  • The Pop Builder module to create pop-ups;
  • The Visual Form Builder for integrating practical and popular marketing tools;
  • The Theme Builder which is used to modify the headers, footers, message templates of the theme;
  • The design of 404 pages;
  • Plenty of other practical options.


Is Elementor easy to learn?

Overall, Elementor is ergonomic. Its use does not require any prior knowledge in website design or programming. With a simple, intuitive and airy interface, Elementor provides an easy-to-use workspace.


The Drag & Drop tool makes this a lot easier. You choose what to put on your page by clicking and dragging it to the area you want on the page. The different options and menus can also be easily hidden, giving you plenty of space to work.


The advantages of Elementor

Here is a list of the main benefits of using Elementor.


  • Design and personalization of unique pages with a professional rendering;
  • Interface independent of WordPress;
  • Simple, intuitive and ergonomic tool;
  • Complete and practical functions;
  • Flexible tool.


Ultimately, WordPress Elementor is one of the ultimate solutions to create and customize your web pages without having to master complex code. Its free version is enough to carry out basic projects. For the more experienced, the Pro version is affordable with really comprehensive features.

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